Costa Coffee: Now Brewing in Manila
12:53 AMEvery once in a while, I would find myself craving for a Mocha Flake. It's silly, really, because that's just a normal mocha with a Cadbury Flake piece on the side. I could order a mug of this in any coffee shop, if only I could find Cadbury Flakes in this town.
Oh, well.
When I was in the UK last October, I couldn't get enough of Costa's Hot Spiced Apple drink. It's basically hot apple juice laced with cinnamon and topped with a cute piece of star anise. It's unfortunately not part of the regular menu, but I just can't forget about it.
Some bit of good news, though -- Costa Coffee's now in Manila!
So that's me (on the right) and my sister, Uno, being Customers Number 1 and 2, respectively, at the Eastwood branch's opening day. We didn't intend to dress the part, mind you.
I would've been Customer Number 1 if I had pushed her out of the way. *evil laugh*
Costa is a relatively unknown in the Philippines, I guess, because the marketing department has gone over-the-top with making the "Best of British" selling point for this. Think red and blues, the iconic red telephone booths, Union Jacks everywhere.
It's funny, mainly because the original shops in the UK are so plainly decorated with your normal brown couches, and mahogany chairs and tables.
Chilling here on a rainy day, though, reminds me so much of London.
You nostalgia, you lose.